Who are we?
The Potter's House Napier is a Bible believing local church. We are a part of a world wide fellowship with over 2500 church all around the globe. We have Potter's House Churches throughout the North Island of New Zealand and are ever expanding.
Our Vision
Our main focus as a fellowship is evangelism, discipleship and church planting.
EvangelismJesus said "Go into all the world and preach the gospel," and we take His call to action seriously. Reaching out to people in our community by telling them about Jesus and holding events so that they can learn about God's good news is a big part of what we do. We believe the gospel was not intended to be kept only within the four walls of the church, which is why we put an emphasis on sharing outside of church services.
As a part of the great commission Jesus also said to "make disciples of all men." This is why discipleship is such an integral part of our fellowship. We work with people by helping them in their walk with Christ. This is important as learning comes while you participate.
Church Planting
We believe in church planting as a means to both preach the gospel to all nations and to make disciples. God loves the local church and the New Testament is full of examples of various local churches. Each local church has the ability to reach people in that specific area, make disciples and in its turn plant out new churches reaching more people for Jesus.
Our Pastor
Kia Ora, I'm the Pastor of the Napier Potter's House Christian Church. My wife, Dani and I have been married for 10 years and before to being plated into Napier were serving in The Potter's House Hamilton in a number of roles.
God has turned my life around and set me on a path with a purpose and I believe He can do that for you too. It doesn't matter who you are or what your background may be, He has a plan for your life - A life with HOPE and CHANGE through Jesus Christ.
I'd love to meet you, hear your story and share more about the LIFE CHANGING redemption through Jesus Christ
- Pastor Rangi Pou.